
Charter a Pirate Ship and Relive the Days of Pirates

You can charter a pirate ship just like the originals to relive the days of pirates. These are mainly Schooners, Caravels, and Whydah. They are not as dangerous as you might think. But don’t get carried away! The crew on these ships would have known how to handle themselves in an actual pirate situation!


Historically, the caravel was a light sailing vessel often used as a trading vessel. It had two or three masts and was usually only lightly armed. Its shallow draft made it an excellent sailing ship. Pirates also used it for short voyages, but it was not a preferred ship.

The Portuguese developed the caravel in the late 1400s, and explorers used it to explore Africa. These small sailing ships were highly maneuverable, with long sails that gave them incredible speed. For example, two of the three ships that accompanied Christopher Columbus on his historic voyage were caravels.

The caravel mostly employee for coastal operations but could sustain extended travels. For example, in 1497 CE, a man named Matthew of John Cabot of Italy sailed the eastern coast of Canada on a three-masted caravel. This vessel was twenty-four meters long (78 feet) and weighed about 50 tons.


Pirates preferred the small craft known as schooners, which could sail through shallow water while still having a high draft. These vessels were also very durable and able to withstand the force of waves. They could also carry up to 100 men. In terms of size, schooners were a little smaller than Spanish galleons.

The schooner was a common type of vessel in the 1800s on both sides of the Atlantic. Pirates used them for goods, people, and fishing. In early America’s Cup, schooners ruled the competition. Schooners were employee for sail training.

Pirates used several types of ships, including schooners and galleons. These vessels were fast and had ample living quarters for many people. They also careened their ships regularly. This allowed them to keep the hull clean and clear of marine life while maintaining their speed advantage.

Queen Anne’s Revenge

In 1996, a private salvage company located a sunken ship that may have been Queen Anne’s Revenge. The company contacted the Underwater Archaeology Branch of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, which began a multi-year project to save the ship. The project is now state-find, intending to bring this historic ship back to life.

Queen Anne’s Revenge was first built in Great Britain as the Concord in 1710. Initially, a 200-ton merchant ship eventually fell into French hands. The ship became renamed La Concorde de Nantes.In addition to its pirate heritage, the ship was also the flagship of Blackbeard’s crew.

The Queen Anne’s Revenge has appeared in several media events, including the DC’s Legends of Tomorrow episode “The Curse of the Earth Totem” and the 2004 remake of Sid Meier’s Pirates!


“Whydah” is one of the most famous pirate ships in history, but there’s no question its history wasn’t so glamorous. The ship’s captain, Black Sam Bellamy, had a renowned reputation and made money through the slave trade. The Whydah’s museum displays crew currency and weaponry.

The Whydah was a slave ship that was turned into a pirate ship. She sank off Cape Cod in 1717 after taking booty from more than 50 ships. In 1984, an underwater explorer named Barry Clifford discovered the ship’s wreckage. The discovery of this coveted pirate ship was the first of its kind in North American waters.